Copium compendium
When disassociation and apathy hit rock bottom, it’s common to reach for online...
Decolonizing Russia?
The 'decolonizing' turn in historiography emphasises culture over politics, overlooking...
A free captive
Writing open letters of protest, quoting Václav Havel, led to incarceration for...
Now you see me, now you don’t
What makes Ukraine a geopolitically crucial borderland and why has the Ukrainian...
Monumendid sõja ajal
Kõikjal maailmas seatakse praegu ajaloolisi monumente kahtluse alla. „Suurmeeste“...
Paminklai karo laikais
Ukrainos paminklinis peizažas nuo 2022 metų vasario 24-osios tapo ginčų objektu....
Open Call: Training Program For Aspiring Journalists And...
Come Together's groundbreaking training program is designed to address challenges...
The alchemists of Ludwigshafen
Society’s fatal dependence on artificial fertiliser has its roots in the industrial...
Краят на мира?
За последствията трябва да се мисли предварително. Сега трябва да си зададем въпроса...
Carbs and culture
If we define culture as a set of values and practices around which communities identify...
It’s about time
Time - we’re all running out of it. Most of Europe's time zones are still tuned...
The biology of gut feelings
There are times when reacting on instinct surpasses consciously weighing up decisions....
Taking water for granted
Water use has always been an indicator of social relations. In western societies,...
Wars of de-civilization
Syria, Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh and now Gaza: connecting all recent wars is disregard...
Can we decommercialize housing?
European cities are a hotbed of real estate speculation and affordable housing is...
Women under the banner of friendship
The euphoria of anti-fascists from WWII-occupied countries, meeting at international...
A small World War
Russia’s passivity towards Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Nagorno Karabakh marks...
Sudden entrepreneurs
Economic and political transformation post-1989 exposed state-planned technological...
Who will pay for the truth?
When content is freely available in droves, paying for journalism almost seems like...
Belarus and the ghosts of the wild hunt
The ongoing repression of Belarusian society now extends to the banning of literary...
Der Weg nach Hause
Wenn ein Wohnviertel zum Kriegsgebiet wird, werden die Bürger*innen von einem Tag...
Kinder des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts
Die Jugend, die kulturell mit der Zukunft assoziiert wird, scheint zunehmend von...
Das zweite Leben der Waffen aus dem Kalten Krieg
Zu Sowjetzeiten gehörte die Tschechoslowakei zu den größten Waffenexporteuren weltweit...
Die Wahl der ukrainischen Sprache, damals und heute
Die Wiedereingliederung russischsprachiger Ukrainer*innen in das „Mutterland“ –...
Alkemisterna från Ludwigshafen
Världens befolkning har vuxit enormt under senare århundraden. Att öka matproduktionen...
Bleaching blue collars
Socialist reform and modernization in post-WWII Poland opened the higher-education...
Feminism with a smile
In memory of Nada Ler Sofronić, the feminist voice pivotal in supporting a unified...
The limits of normality
Disability has always been part of the human condition; inclusion and accessibility...
From migration to foreign policy, Europe has undergone an identitarian shift. Both...
Legally sanctioned homophobia in the EU
Despite Lithuania’s Europeanism, its policies on LGBTQ rights are sometimes closer...