Stir Fry Sauce: Oyster Sauce & Hoisin Sauce Substitute + Stir-Fry Recipe
We are big stir-fry and Asian food fans at my house, and I love a really good stir-fry sauce. But I struggle with the high fructose corn syrup and the way-too-many-preservatives-and-ingredients-I-can’t-pronounce problem in most bottled sauces. Also, the presence of seafood and/or gluten are issues for my vegetarian and gluten-free family members. And finally, for many households like mine, it’s hard to get through an entire bottle before the contents spoil. All of this means I refuse to purchase pre-made stir-fry sauces and the oyster or hoisin sauce that is so common (and delicious) in my favorite Asian sauces. I wanted to create an easy-to-use substitute that packs in the umami goodness I love about these sauces.

We are big stir-fry and Asian food fans at my house, and I love a really good stir-fry sauce. But I struggle with the high fructose corn syrup and the way-too-many-preservatives-and-ingredients-I-can’t-pronounce problem in most bottled sauces. Also, the presence of seafood and/or gluten are issues for my vegetarian and gluten-free family members. And finally, for many households like mine, it’s hard to get through an entire bottle before the contents spoil. All of this means I refuse to purchase pre-made stir-fry sauces and the oyster or hoisin sauce that is so common (and delicious) in my favorite Asian sauces. I wanted to create an easy-to-use substitute that packs in the umami goodness I love about these sauces.