For Life: A Tool to Measure Corporate Social Responsibility
For over a decade, Mountain Rose Herbs has worked closely with Fair for Life (FFL), a Switzerland-based, fair trade certification program that seriously ups the ante on fair trade practices, making life-changing improvements in labor relationships both externally and internally. The mission is clear in this program statement: Fair for Life’s vision is a world where trade, through ethical, fair, and respectful partnerships, is a driving force for positive and sustainable change benefiting people and their environment.

For over a decade, Mountain Rose Herbs has worked closely with Fair for Life (FFL), a Switzerland-based, fair trade certification program that seriously ups the ante on fair trade practices, making life-changing improvements in labor relationships both externally and internally. The mission is clear in this program statement: Fair for Life’s vision is a world where trade, through ethical, fair, and respectful partnerships, is a driving force for positive and sustainable change benefiting people and their environment.