BE That Somebody! Author: Contessa Beckford

Cancer PERIOD is a horrible disease, unfortunately so many of us have, or are still battling with this beast, or have been touched by affiliation.

BE That Somebody! Author: Contessa Beckford

Author: Contessa Beckford 

This morning, during one of the most cherished moments of my day—the time I get to spend in devotion with God, the Awesome Creator of this Universe, I came upon the Scripture in Corinthians 12:26-27.  There Paul the Apostle encouraged the believers of his day to be there for one another through both the good and bad times.  Sadly, a lot of us today, love to hang around when the times are good, but become quite scarce when times get terrible.   During the month of October, we focus on Breast Cancer awareness. We celebrate the stories of triumph as well as honoring the precious memories of our beautiful soldiers who have lost their earthly battle to the disease.  Cancer PERIOD is a horrible disease, unfortunately so many of us have, or are still battling with this beast, or have been touched by affiliation.  Whatever your story is with the Big C, we can all attest that love and support is vital for spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional survival. 

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. about 310,720 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2024.  In addition, to these alarming statistics, about 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.  These numbers are way too high for any sense of comfort and complacency…we all have work to do…and let’s start right NOW!  Circling back around to what Paul the Apostle elaborated on, let us rise out of our comfort zones, and lay down our busy schedules, if possible, for just a quick moment and show up for someone battling with cancer.  As a former employee of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, I experienced first-hand the devastation of this disease, and the difference kind words, a listening ear, a cooked meal, a big embrace, or even monetary contributions (no matter how big or small) can make in the lives of the individuals battling it and their family members.   

Yes, I can also bring to light the feelings of in adequacy that many of us feel who are not battling cancer.  I personally, have struggled with the thoughts of “I don’t know what to say”, “They are probably too overwhelmed, and I don’t want to bombard them anymore”, “I don’t want to say the wrong thing”, “I am sitting over here healthy, why would they want to hear any encouragement from me”, etc.   Well, I am encouraging you today, to get up, shake off any discouraging thoughts that is hindering you from reaching out and just DO IT! — like the famous Nike slogan states.    On the contrary, true unconditional love is a universal language and sometimes we don’t have to say a word, but just show up with a hug, listening ear and/or be a shoulder they could cry on.  

BE THAT SOMEBODY today! Don’t wait for what you think is that perfect time.  The perfect time is NOW.  Let us be brave enough to stand up and out for all the women and men battling with cancer and their families.   The greatest way to secure blessings in this life is to be a blessing to others…What are you waiting for…YOU GOT THIS!   

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Author: Contessa Beckford 

Founder of The Feel Good Experience 
