Sustainable Benefits of a Bioswale and Rain Garden
In Oregon, winters are notoriously known for rainy days, cloudy skies, and wet everything. Some may find it challenging to live without consistent sunshine, but there are many benefits to a seasonal abundance of water. The bioregion of Cascadia consists of numerous rivers, streams, and waterways that carry life to the land, providing nourishment for all species from the top of mountains down to the Pacific Ocean. In some areas, annual rainfall can reach up to 200 inches! So, what do we do with all this water?

In Oregon, winters are notoriously known for rainy days, cloudy skies, and wet everything. Some may find it challenging to live without consistent sunshine, but there are many benefits to a seasonal abundance of water. The bioregion of Cascadia consists of numerous rivers, streams, and waterways that carry life to the land, providing nourishment for all species from the top of mountains down to the Pacific Ocean. In some areas, annual rainfall can reach up to 200 inches! So, what do we do with all this water?