A Ram in the Thicket By Candace Beckford

A Ram in the Thicket By Candace Beckford

My little boy came down with a cold, and my herbal therapist Dr Anthia Wint from Finest Herbal Shop recommended a few natural remedies to help him feel better. One of the key items I needed was castor oil, and I thought I had some at home. But when I checked, the bottle was empty.

In addition to the castor oil, I also needed to pick up some snacks for my other kids, who were heading off for a youth retreat that weekend. I figured I’d stop by the supermarket for their snacks, then swing by the beauty supply store to grab the castor oil.

While shopping at the supermarket, something nudged me to check if they happened to have castor oil there. It seemed like a long shot, but it couldn’t hurt to look. I made my way to the aisle with self-care products and noticed a small section that carried beauty supply items.

Say what?!

Excited, I rushed over to scan the shelves. But as I looked through the products, all I could see were hair sprays—nope, not what I needed—hair grease—nope again—and other random items, but no castor oil.

Just as I was about to give up, something caught my eye: a small, brown and red bottle, tucked away in the middle of a bunch of unrelated products. It looked just like the one I had at home. I picked it up, checked to see if the seal was intact, and sure enough, it was brand new. And guess what? It was the only bottle of castor oil on the shelf. There weren’t any others. Just this one, seemingly out of place but exactly what I needed. In that moment, I couldn’t help but thank God for providing, right when I needed it.

As I held that bottle, it hit me: God was teaching me a lesson. Right now, my life feels full of chaos, uncertainty, and noise. There are so many things I need, and He knows each and every one of them. But today, He reminded me that even when it feels like what I need is nowhere to be found, He will provide. Not in my timing, but in His. And often, it will come in the most unexpected, out-of-place way—right when it’s perfectly on time.

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